Guest Author

Adam Wyeth

Adam Wyeth is an award-winning and critically acclaimed poet, playwright and essayist with four books published with Salmon Poetry. In 2019 he received The Kavanagh Fellowship Award.

Wyeth is the author of Silent Music, Highly Commended by the UK’s Forward Poetry Prize and The Art of Dying, an Irish Times Book of the Year.

In 2013 Salmon published his essays, The Hidden World of Poetry: Unravelling Celtic Mythology in Contemporary Irish Poetry. Adam’s plays have been performed across Ireland and also in New York and Berlin. His play This Is What Happened was published by Salmon in 2019.

His new work, about:blank (2021) is a large poetical sequence, which blurs genre, moving across, poetry, prose and dialogue. It is currently in production as an immersive audio work performed by actors Owen Roe and Olwen Fouere. The work was chosen as the Abbey theatre’s Engine Room development programme and Adam was awarded a major Arts Council Literature Project to complete the work.Anthologized widely, his poems have featured most recently in the New Ireland anthology, The Music of What Happens; The Ordinary Woman and Other Poems I Love, Gill Books; and The Long Poem Magazine, UK.

Adam is an Associate Artist of the Civic Theatre, Dublin, and works on ideas and research for the RTE Poetry Programme. He teaches online creative writing correspondence courses at and

Adam Wyeth